Friday, July 01, 2005

The Guard

So the guard stopped me earlier today.
"what are you doing for lunch?"
"I don't know, what are you doing for lunch?"
"I'll think about it"

So he stopped me again, and asked me what I had decided.
The word going around was The Grill, so I told him that.

"Did you forget about McDonalds?"
This was a sensitive question. No, I didn't forget, but I'm not really interested in going to McDonalds, either. Besides, if you ask me what I decide, it means I have a choice. Therefore...

But he was on break right then, so we couldn't go anyways.
I rain checked.

Besides, I don't care who you are, or where you work, if I don't know you, you're not getting me alone in your car. Period. So... we can walk somewhere for lunch, but I'm not getting in your car, Mr. Guard.

< edited to add: Also... Once you reach a certain... let's say... figure, you ought to reconsider going to McDonalds for health purposes... I mean, do you really need to clog your arteries anymore? Do I? Does anyone? I mean, once you're a certain size, you have to start thinking about eating healthily... Like... Like Jared... go to Subway or something. Anywhere but McDonalds. /end edit. >


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