Saturday, March 29, 2008

daddys like me

Yesterday one of the kids dads gave me his number.
The tally of men who have asked me out who have children now stands at three.
The tally of men who have asked me out who do not have children stands at one.

I don't mind, oddly enough. Less pregnant I have to be =).

Seeing a man with children offers it's own set of drama. Exes, ex spouses, ex girlfriends, past women with current ties.


One parent just won't work. He's gorgeous, but... I see his kid every day so that's out, plus I'd have to see the exwife at some point, and there's too much family drama there without me sticking myself in the middle of it. One parent... He's gorgeous, but I see him every day. His kids like me, which is good, but heartbreaking. The whole thing is heartbreaking. The third one... I think he has the right idea. I haven't met his kid, and I probably won't until and unless it gets serious. On the flipside, I kind of like how the second one has introduced his kids, cause we're all friends, and it gives him an opportunity to gauge their reaction and acceptance or rejection of me.

The problem is, I love his kids. One of them is a little too smart for her own good, and she's wise to the fact that her dad likes me. She's hilarious though, in a "what she doesn't say speaks louder that what she does" sort of way.

He likes me. And I think I might like him right on back.



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