Sunday, January 22, 2006

Beware when you leave the house... you might actually meet people

Basically, I got roped into going to the DC center like I said yesterday. I liked it, I saw some folks, I even saw one of the folks I went to Haifa with. She goes to GW now, and she's going to go to NEBY with us. Weird. SMAAAAALL world.

So, we all went to lunch.

ALSO, she informed me that one of the guys we went to lunch with was the "cousin" (meaning may as well be, but no actual relation) of another one of the Haifa pilgrims, whom we were very close with.


So, we had ethiopian for lunch, well, Irritrian (can I say that's close enough? I don't know enough about the culture to determine that) and I actually liked it. I figured out what my problem was with it before. I went to a friend of mine's Ethiopian wedding, and I distinctly remember disliking the food. Specifically the bread. Now, when it came to eat, they handed out rolls of the bread I was prepared to not like again. And I did indeed, not enjoy the bread.

On it's own.

The secret is in the way you eat the bread. On it's own, I don't much care for it, or at least it's an acquired taste, acquired by the folks who developed it and passed it on to future generations. BUT, when coupled with any of the sides on the platter, it was GOOD, and the very taste I wasn't used to provided a nice balance, and sometimes even a complement to the dishes I was scooping.

Can I say that the Lamb was "da bomb diggity".

That was good. I didn't care for anything else (well, I didn't even try much else) but the spinach and the Lamb.


And it wasn't as spicy as I was preparing myself for, considering the jalapeno peppers jutting out everywhere.

On a separate note, my room's all booked up for NEBY!


AND my theatrical presentation got picked up by the DC Assembly. They want me to come in & give my theatrical workshop. I'm so stoked!


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