Friday, April 29, 2005

the answer to the great stress problems of the world

I have decided that weekend get-aways are the answer. Too often I have blurred through the weekend because it finally gave me the chance to do the things I had to put off for not having enough time during the week, between work and school. A week's worth of tasks to get done in two days. Not likely, when I have a weekend job, or when I was performing.

Now, I'm on hiatus, and I've re-discovered the weekend. Everyone is entitled to at least ONE day in SEVEN where nothing is allowed to bother them. Thus, I have decided to run away to a new destination at least one weekend per month. The friday does not count as a weekend. It is the end of the workweek, and the bon-voyage. You arrive at the destination on friday, so that when you awaken on Saturday, you are present, listening to the native sounds of a chosen destination. All driving and check-in stress has already occurred. The day is yours, enjoy. Sunday, pray if you must for whatever debauchery ensued the day before, tie up loose ends, and head home.

Sunday is a symbolic heading home, for it carries the misty memories of a fantastic day, while the workday lies just beyond the sunset's impending dawn.

Enjoy the false pretense of the weekend. Enjoy your Saturday. May God be with you all.

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